{{recommendedPrice}}<\/div>\n {{\/recommendedPrice}}\n\n
\n {{effectivePrice}}\n\n {{#effectivePriceSuffix}}\n {{effectivePriceSuffix}}<\/span>\n {{\/effectivePriceSuffix}}\n <\/div>\n\n {{#secondaryPrice}}\n \n {{secondaryPrice}}\n {{secondaryPriceSuffix}}<\/span>\n <\/div>\n {{\/secondaryPrice}}\n\n \n {{priceQuantityLabel}} {{priceQuantity}}\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n<\/div>\n\n '; var VARIANT_FEATURES_TEMPLATE = ' * Uses toFixed to round the result to the right number of decimals to prevent errors due to floating point * arithmetic. * * @param id the ID of the input field to increment * @param orderStep the amount to increment */ function incrementItemQuantity(id, orderStep) { var $input = $('#' + id); var result = parseFloat((parseFloat($input.val()) + orderStep).toFixed(3)); $input.val(result); } /** * Decrements the item quantity by a certain amount * * Uses toFixed to round the result to the right number of decimals to prevent errors due to floating point * arithmetic. * * @param id the ID of the input field to decrement * @param orderStep the amount to decrement * @param minOrderQuantity the minimum order quantity */ function decrementItemQuantity(id, orderStep, minOrderQuantity) { var $input = $('#' + id); var result = parseFloat((parseFloat($input.val()) - orderStep).toFixed(3)); if (result < minOrderQuantity) { $input.val(minOrderQuantity); } else { $input.val(result); } } var IMAGE_OVERLAY_TEMPLATE = ' ' + ' ' + ' ' + ' {{#images}}' + ' ' + ' ' + ' ' + ' ' + ' {{/images}}' + ' ' + ' ' + ' ' + ' ' + ' ' + ' ' + ' {{name}} {{quantity}} {{unit}}' + ' ' + '' + ' ' + '{1}' + '{2}' + ' ' + ' Ziehen Sie Dateien hierher, um diese hochzuladen… ' + ' Datei auswählen… ' + ' ' + ' ' + message + ' ' + actionLabel + ' Drücken Sie 'Ja', um fortzufahren oder 'Abbrechen', um zurückzugehen. Der gewünschte Artikel wurde im Shop nicht gefunden. Passwort vergessen Zugangsdaten anfordern Kunde werden {{title}}<\/h4>\n\n{{#hasFeatures}}\n
\n {{#features}}\n
\n '; var ITEM_PACKAGING_UNIT_TABLE_ENTRY_TEMPLATE = '\n {{feature}}\n <\/td>\n \n {{value}} {{unit}}\n <\/td>\n <\/tr>\n {{\/features}}\n<\/table>\n{{\/hasFeatures}}\n\n{{^hasFeatures}}\n {{noCommonFeatures}}\n{{\/hasFeatures}}'; function loadItemText() { var overwriteLongtext = true; var $longtext = $("#output-longtext"); if (overwriteLongtext || $longtext.length === 0 || isEmpty($longtext.html().trim())) { loadOxomiItemText(); } } function load3dViewer() { var shouldDisplay3dViewer = true; if (shouldDisplay3dViewer) { loadOxomiItem3dModel(); } } /** * Increments the item quantity by a certain amount * ' + ' {{#canAddToBasket}}' + '
' + ' ' + ' Menge übernehmen' + ' ' + ' {{/canAddToBasket}}' + ' ' + ' {{scalePrice}}' + ' je {{priceQuantity}}' + ' ' + '' + ' '; function clearMessages() { $("#messageBox").hide() $("#messageBox").empty(); } function hasMessage() { return !($("#messageBox").css('display') === 'none'); } function notify(type, message) { var $notify = $.notify({ // options message: message, icon: 'fa fa-check-circle-o' }, { // settings type: type, offset: { x: 0, y: 0 }, newest_on_top: true, placement: { from: 'bottom', align: 'center' }, animate: { enter: 'animated slideInUp', exit: 'animated slideOutDown' }, delay: 5000, template: '' + ' ' + ' {{#canAddToBasket}}' + ' ' + ' ' + ' Menge übernehmen' + ' ' + ' {{/canAddToBasket}}' + 'Sind Sie sicher?
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