Residence Hall Rules and Regulations (2024)

A. Housing Contract and Roommate Agreements

Residents are responsible for adhering to their Residence Hall Housing Contract, roommate, community floor, living learning community, and other shared space agreements.

B. Escort and Guests

  1. No person may enter a hall, living unit, or room to which they have not been assigned without a resident escort who is a resident of that hall, living unit, or room. Guests must be escorted at all times within the residence halls. All guests must have a valid photo ID at all times within the residence halls.
  2. Residents may host guests, including overnight, in the residence halls, except during break periods or at the discretion of residence hall management or the University. No more than two guests per resident are allowed to stay overnight in a room, and guests may not stay in the residence hall for more than three (3) consecutive days no more than twice a semester. The professional residence life staff of the center must grant any exception to this, and the decision should be made in consultation with any roommate/suitemate(s).
  3. Contracted room owners have the right to deny guest access to the room. Hosts must receive permission from any roommate/suitemate(s) to have an overnight guest, and it is the responsibility of the host to register their guest(s). Guest registration procedures can be obtained by contacting the center desk, or at the RPS Guest Registration site. Under all circ*mstances and always, the roommate/suitemate(s) have the right to request privacy if needed while the guest is present.
  4. Residents are responsible for the behavior and damage of their guests while guests are on the residence hall grounds and can be held accountable for the actions of their guests.
  5. Professional residence life staff reserve the right to ban a guest from the residence hall, or to ask a guest to leave the residence hall if their behavior creates a disturbance to residence hall staff or other residents, or if they fail to otherwise adhere to IU policies, even when modified, including all health and safety requirements or guidance adopted by IU which includes public health and safety laws, orders, ordinances, and regulations. Adherence to public health and safety requirements extends to all aspects of residential life, including bedrooms, bathrooms, community kitchens, lounges, computer labs, courtyards, and other common spaces. This guidance may change as any public health crisis evolves.

C. Quiet and Courtesy Hours

  1. Quiet Hours are in effect Sunday through Thursday from 10 p.m.–9 a.m. and Friday and Saturday from 2 a.m.–10 a.m. Residents have the right to sleep and study in their rooms at any time without interference from those around them. During quiet hours, the sound must not be audible beyond the limits of any hallway, individual room, or lounge. Residents are expected to always demonstrate consideration and courtesy toward others. During final examination periods, 24-hour quiet periods are in effect.
  2. Courtesy Hours are in effect 24 hours/day and refer to the time outside of quiet hours during which all residents are expected to be aware and sensitive of the noise they make, and how it could negatively impact others or the community living environment. During courtesy hours, residents in the community can ask others to reduce their volume in a respectful manner and expect immediate compliance.

D. Residency Policy

All first-year students at Indiana University are required to comply with the conditions of the residency policy approved by the Board of Trustees. Additional details can be found on the RPS website at the Residency Policy website.

E. Activities Resulting in Damage, Distress, or Disturbance

  1. Group or individual activities that result in distress or disturbance to others are prohibited. This behavior includes but is not limited to, hall sports, hallway disruptions, pranks, or use of amplified noise producing products in resident rooms or lounges.
  2. Group or individual activities that can cause damage or destruction to university property are prohibited. This behavior includes but is not limited to excessive littering, placing trash in public areas, damage to door decorations/floor bulletin boards, use of water guns, or creating unsanitary conditions.
  3. Using or attempting to use university property in a manner inconsistent with its designated purpose is prohibited.
  4. Vandalism of individual’s or university property is prohibited. This includes but is not limited to; dry erase boards, door décor, walls, and sidewalks.
  5. Gambling, or the behavior resulting from gambling that results in disruption to the residence hall community, is prohibited.
  6. The distribution or broadcast of undisclosed and unauthorized recordings of other individuals within the residence hall center is prohibited.

F. Room Responsibility

  1. Residents are responsible for notifying residence hall staff of any damages, needed repairs, or facility issues in their room or community.
  2. Residents are responsible for any activities, damages, or policy violations that occur in rooms or bathrooms to which they have been assigned when it can be reasonably shown the residents knew or reasonably should have known that the inappropriate the activity or damage occurred and the resident failed to take appropriate action to resolve the issue which includes but not limited to, activities, damages, or policy violations caused by guests.
  3. Residents are responsible for securing/locking their residence hall room. The university is not responsible for items or property that are stolen or damaged. Residents may be responsible for activities, damages, or policy violations that occur in their room if it can be found that such activities, damages, or policy violations occurred due to their failure to secure/lock their room.
  4. Guests or residents who are present on residence hall grounds when it can be shown that residents knew or reasonably should have known that a violation(s) is/are occurring will be deemed complicit in the activity unless they immediately report the situation to a university official and/or leaves the area upon discovering the violation(s).
  5. Unless otherwise approved by professional residence life staff and designated with signage, floor restrooms designed for simultaneous use by multiple persons are to be used only by the gender designated for that restroom.

G. Room and Building Furnishings

  1. University furniture issued to a student room or community area must remain in the space assigned. University equipment and furnishings in lounges or general-purpose spaces may not be moved into individual student rooms.
  2. Modifications to university furniture or property, including but not limited to painting, is prohibited. Residents may not reconfigure or disassemble beds or furniture on their own. Furniture and bed reconfiguration can only be completed by IU-hired third-party vendor. Bed risers of any kind are prohibited effective immediately. Applicable fees may be incurred for any changes or damages.
  3. Storing or placing personal items, including but not limited to, furniture, bicycles, and e-scooters in public areas is prohibited.
  4. Modification of wiring or permanent alteration to the structure of the room within a residence hall or living unit is prohibited.
  5. Residents must not tamper with the assigned room HVAC (heating ventilations and air condition system) or thermostats. This includes but is not limited to the removal or replacement of HVAC system filters.
  6. Windows and window screens must always be secured. Tampering with window hardware is prohibited. Residents may be charged a replacement fee for a damaged or lost window screen that results from their failure to keep the window and window screen properly secured. Windows must not be used as an exit or entrance to the building, except during a building-wide emergency evacuation.
  7. Window surfaces must be kept 25 percent clear of all opaque materials, such as aluminum foil, posters, or signs. All window treatments (blinds and draperies) provided are flame retardant and should not be replaced by residents. If damage occurs to window treatments residents should notify professional residence life staff to coordinate replacement.
  8. Decorations of any kind may not be hung from or across ceilings or light or sprinkler fixtures.
  9. Interior and exterior surfaces of all resident room doors must be kept free of flammable materials, particularly loose paper. Doors may not be wrapped or covered with flammable materials.
  10. Displays and/or cloth, corrugated cardboard, dried vegetation, wallpaper, light plastics, or paper decorations determined by Residential Programs and Services staff to be a fire hazard are prohibited. Electrical outlets must not be overloaded. Personal electronic equipment must be in good working condition and heat-radiating electronics, including but not limited to heaters, curling irons, and irons, may not be left on and unattended.
  11. Residents are prohibited from operating a commercial business, whether online, in physical form or through social media platforms (i.e. influencers) from their room or any part of the residence halls. Residence hall rooms may not be used to store items that could be considered inventory/assets in any commercial business. Nor may a residence hall address be used to receive inventory/assets, including product trials or samples, for any commercial business, sales, or promotion managed by the resident.
  12. Residents may not rent out their rooms or any part of residence halls.
  13. Residents must follow the outlined procedures to cancel a contract, to move from their assigned room, or to move into another residence hall space. Students may contact for general questions about housing. Here is the link for contract cancellation: Residence Hall Housing Cancellation.
  14. Occupying residence hall space outside the contract period is prohibited. This includes failure to vacate the residence halls when they are closed.
  15. Residents who are living alone in a double room and have not been approved to have the room as a “double as a single” will be expected to keep the uninhabited part of the room clear so that the room is ready for another resident to move in at any time.

H. Key Cards and Keys

  1. All residence hall room key cards and keys, including university IDs, are the property of Indiana University and may not be loaned or duplicated by residents. Mobile ID applications that facilitate access via user devices may not be loaned to gain access to residence halls.
  2. Lost key cards or keys must be reported immediately to residence hall staff. Found key cards or keys, including university IDs, must be given immediately to residence hall staff at the center desk.
  3. Residents must return RPS issued room keys and/or key cards upon checking out of the residence hall. Failure to do so could result in a fee.
  4. Residents are expected to be responsible for their key cards and/or keys, including university IDs, at all times. Residence hall staff will assist a resident with room entry when the resident loses or forgets their key and/or key card; however, financial charges may be imposed after the first lockout per semester. Four or more lockouts or temporary key cards issued per academic year constitutes abuse of this privilege and will initiate a meeting with residence life staff. Continued lockouts may result in student conduct charges under RPS Rules & Regulations in addition to financial charges.

I. Residence Hall Prohibited and Restricted Items

For health, insurance liability, and safety reasons, residents are prohibited from having the following items in their rooms and/or mailed to any residence hall. If found, items will be confiscated by residence life staff or appropriate authorities:

  1. Combustible liquids and other similar materials, except for sealed containers not exceeding eight-ounce capacity.
  2. Residence hall rooms are not wired to support the use of large electrical appliances. Air conditioners, full-sized refrigerators, portable dishwashers, and washing machines and dryers (unless these items are provided by or pre-approved by RPS as part of the room furniture).
  3. Residents may have small appliances if the appliance does not have an open heating element or open-coil element. Prohibited items include but are not limited to: hot plates, toaster/ovens, and electric griddles/grills. Appliances with automatic shutoffs are highly encouraged. UL-listed rice cookers with automatic shut offs may be used in residence hall rooms and placed on a level surface such as a countertop or desktop. The rice cooker should not be left unattended during use. When not in use the rice cooker should be unplugged and stored away.
    * Residents of Union Street Center, Willkie-Mason and Apartments, and Collins-Hillcrest may have cooking appliances such as toasters, rice cookers, and crock pots; however, storage and use of those items are restricted to the resident’s kitchen area only.
  4. Fire or open flame materials, or high heat producing devices, including, but not limited to, burning candles, charcoal and propane grills, slow cookers, fireworks, halogen lights and lamps, incense, salt lamps, and wax warmers.
  5. Non-UL-approved, heavy duty, 12-14 gauge corded extension cords.
  6. Smoking devices and paraphernalia, including but not limited to pipes, grinders, or hookahs.
  7. Antennas, satellite dishes, or wires extending outside room windows.
  8. Portable pools, portable hot tubs, or waterbeds.
  9. Firearms and weapons per IU policy PS-03.
  10. Alcoholic beverages, per IU policy STU-00.
  11. All empty alcohol containers. This includes beer cans, liquor bottles, alcohol box containers, and displays that are meant to be decorative.
  12. Controlled substances, per IU policy STU-00.
  13. Unmanned aircrafts, drones, model planes, per IU policy PS-05.
  14. Hoverboards, mopeds, motorcycles, personal or vendor-owned scooters, and other similar vehicles. Bicycles and/or personal or vendor-owned scooters may not be charged in the residence halls, or kept in hallways, public areas, or stairwells inside the residence halls.
  15. No animals or pets, including birds, laboratory specimens, or guests’ pets are permitted in RPS residence halls or housing units. Crustaceans or fish kept in aquariums are allowed. Aquariums may not exceed a 10-gallon capacity. Requests for emotional support or service animals must be approved prior to bringing the animal to any residence hall. The approval process can be initiated by contacting Office of Disability Services for Students and by emailing the Housing Assignments Office.
  16. Items that residence life staff consider potentially harmful to students and/or others in the housing community.

J. Smoking

Use of tobacco products and smoking devices is prohibited in residence halls and on Indiana University owned or leased property except designated areas and/or at least 8 feet from any exist/entrance of a university building per IU policy PS-04. Residents over the age of 21 may be in possession of tobacco and tobacco devices, but they cannot be used in the residence hall.

K. Selling and Soliciting

Door-to-door sales or solicitation in the residence halls are not permitted. Resident and student organizations registered with the university may obtain permission to sell merchandise or services in the public areas of the residence halls. Such activities must conform with other residence hall policies and standards established by the IU Department of Environmental Health and Safety, as well as university contracts with private vendors or suppliers.

L. Fire Equipment and Safety

  1. Altering the function of, covering, or tampering with any firefighting equipment, including, but not limited to, exit lights, smoke detectors, heat sensors, fire alarms, fire extinguishers, fire hoses, and/or sprinkler systems is prohibited. Residents and/or their guest(s) will be held financially responsible for any damage done to the residence hall caused by tampering with these systems.
  2. Propping fire doors or outside doors of residence halls is prohibited.
  3. Unauthorized entry to areas of residence halls, including, but not limited to, balconies, dining halls, offices, roofs, and/or window ledges, is prohibited.
  4. Failing to vacate the residence hall when directed to do so by emergency staff, residence hall staff, or the sounding of a fire/smoke alarm is prohibited.
  5. Improper use of kitchen/cooking facilities is prohibited.
  6. Shining lasers or throwing items from residence hall windows is prohibited.
  7. Blocking doors and hallways with personal items is prohibited. Students who choose to store bikes in their room are prohibited from blocking doors or windows.
  8. Bonfires or campfires are prohibited on residence hall property unless specifically authorized. To obtain information and permits, visit the Office of Insurance, Loss Control, and Claims.

M. Dining Halls

  1. Misuse of a university ID card for dining hall privileges is prohibited. ID cards are not to be used by anyone other than the ID card owner.
  2. Reusable tableware (dishes, glass, silverware, and trays) cannot be removed from the dining area without the permission of a dining supervisor.
  3. Residents and their guests are to place their table service, trash, and/or trays in the designated areas. Residents are responsible for cleaning up after themselves in dining areas on campus.

N. RPS Student Groups and RPS Owned Property

Individual students and groups are expected to return borrowed student government or RPS owned property at the prescribed time. Residents who fail to return or return damaged items may be assessed a fee.

O. Unit Disciplinary Action

  1. Damage to public areas and furnishings within a residence hall is the responsibility of the residents of that building, floor, or unit. If individuals responsible for damage cannot be identified, the residents of the building, floor, or unit will become collectively responsible for the cost of repair and/or replacement, which may include a student conduct response. The residence life staff will inform the unit of the situation and give community members an opportunity to identify responsible individuals before billing or a student conduct response occurs for the entire unit.
  2. In situations where the damages are extreme or repetitive and/or the unit is severely disruptive, the building, floor, or unit may be referred to the Residence Hall Association Judicial Board to be considered for further sanctions, which can include the unit being disbanded and the residents reassigned to other residence halls.

P. Alcohol Use: Collins-Hillcrest, Willkie-Mason/Apartments, and Union Street Center

Because many residents of Collins-Hillcrest, Wilkie-Mason/Apartments, and Union Street Center are 21 years of age or older, the university recognizes the need to give special consideration to possession and consumption of alcoholic beverages. Residents 21-years or older in Collins-Hillcrest, Wilkie-Mason/Apartments, and Union Street Center are expected to be aware of, understand, and follow Indiana alcoholic beverage laws, federal statutes about alcoholic beverages, the Code, State Board of Accounts regulations concerning student government organization accounts, and the policies of RPS. The following rules apply to those 21 and older residents of Collins-Hillcrest, Wilkie-Mason/Apartments, and Union Street Center, who possess or consume alcoholic beverages in Collins-Hillcrest, Wilkie-Mason/Apartments, and Union Street Center.

  1. Alcohol and alcohol containers are prohibited in common areas of apartments or suites where not all occupants of that apartment or suite are 21 years of age or older. Persons under the age of 21 are not permitted to possess or consume alcoholic beverages.
  2. Responsible possession and consumption of alcoholic beverages is permitted for those persons 21 years of age or older, except in those manners and areas in which they are prohibited by these rules.
  3. Beer contained in any form of keg is prohibited in rooms or apartments.
  4. Possession of open containers of alcoholic beverages and consumption of alcoholic beverages is not permitted in the centers’ public areas, including, but not limited to, computer rooms, elevators, hallways, laundry rooms, libraries, lobbies, photography rooms, and restrooms, stairwells, or weight rooms.
Residence Hall Rules and Regulations (2024)


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Name: Kieth Sipes

Birthday: 2001-04-14

Address: Suite 492 62479 Champlin Loop, South Catrice, MS 57271

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Hobby: Digital arts, Dance, Ghost hunting, Worldbuilding, Kayaking, Table tennis, 3D printing

Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.