The Best Movies to Watch in Italian on Netflix in 2020 - Daily Italian Words (2025)

If you find that there isn’t a wide enough selection of Italian films on Netflix, or that the ones available don’t really suit your taste, don’t worry – there are still many ways to watch content in the Italian language. This is because Netflix offers multiple languages for the audio and subtitles, so you might even be able to re-watch your favourite film in Italian! (Puoi guardarlo di nuovo. = You can watch it again.)

Important: If Italian doesn’t show up in the options for audio and subtitles, learn how to enable it in our audio and subtitle guide.

How to find films to watch in Italian on Netflix

The easiest way to find content in Italian is to look for Netflix Originals productions. Just type in Netflix Originals (or Originali Netflix if your profile is in Italian) in the search bar. You’ll recognise a Netflix production by the N logo that appears at the top left corner of the thumbnail images.

The Best Movies to Watch in Italian on Netflix in 2020 - Daily Italian Words (1)

These films are either made specifically for the streaming service, or Netflix has acquired the rights for indefinite distribution, and since the company is available in 190 countries, this means that each movie is translated into several languages, including Italian. What’s more, these languages are available most of the time regardless of the country you’re living in.

In what follows, you’ll find a list of the 10 films we recommend watching in Italian to improve your skills in the language. (Una lista con i nostri dieci film preferiti = A list with our ten favourite films)

We’ve only included Netflix Originals because these are guaranteed to stay on the platform forever and are available everywhere. Other films may be licensed for a limited time, and are not necessarily available in every country.

If you want even more choice, you can search for Film in Italian and you will get a list of films where the language is available, regardless of their production origin.

The Irishman

This film sees the reunion of Martin Scorsese, Robert De Niro and Joe Pesci in what was one of the best films of 2019. A testament to a generation of actors and authors who made some of the most important films in the eighties and nineties. We might not see them together again.

For your Italian, The Irishman is a good choice because it is a long film full of dialogue, so you can really immerse yourself. If it is too long, you can always split it in two and treat it as a mini-series of two episodes.

Trivia: Irishman translates as irlandese in Italian.

I Due Papi / The Two Popes

The superb performance of Anthony Hopkins and Jonathan Pryce carries this interesting film about the relationship between Pope Benedict XVI and the man who succeeded him, Jorge Mario Bergoglio.

Interestingly, when I watched it in English, Hopkins and Pryce spoke a bit of Italian in the numerous scenes set in the Vatican.

Storia di un Matrimonio / Marriage Story

The cinema of Noah Baumbach is full of dialogue, and that is exactly what you need to skyrocket your Italian level. Storia di un Matrimonio is an excellent drama with superb performances from Scarlett Johansson and Adam Driver. What’s more, it was nominated at the Oscars. Sono bravissimi! (They’re really good!)

Il Ragazzo che Catturò il Vento / The Boy that Harnessed the Wind

This is an inspiring story about a 13-year-old boy who learns how to build a windmill to save his village from famine in Malawi, Africa. It is based on a true story (è basato su una storia vera).

Murder Mystery

Comedies can be an excellent choice to learn a language because the light-hearted nature of the story allows you to concentrate more on the dialogues and the text.

In Murder Mystery (lit. Assassinio Mistero), a cop and his wife (Adam Sandler and Jennifer Aniston) go on a holiday in Europe to rekindle their marriage. Things get complicated when they are framed for the murder of an elderly billionaire.

Tutte le Volte che Ho Scritto Ti Amo / To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before

Another easy watch, this film is a charming and heartfelt teen romance. Lara Jean is a high school junior who writes love letters (lettere d’amore) to the boys she has passionate feelings for, only to put them away in her locker. When these letters are exposed, her love life takes an unexpected turn.

The Meyerowitz Stories (New and Selected)

A curious title (which would translate as Le Storie di Meyerowitz – Nuove e Selezionate in Italian) is another film by Noah Bumback and one of the films with the most dialogue I’ve ever watched. Basically nobody stops talking in this comedy / drama about a family reunion. It can be a little intense if you’re a beginner, or be exactly what you’re looking for if your level is more advanced.

I Am Mother

Here we change genres with this sci-fi film, whose title translates as Io Sono Madre in Italian. It’s the story of a teenage girl who is raised by a robot named Mother after Earth’s population has gone extinct. But when a stranger arrives, the girl starts to realise that Mother hides a secret.

Unlike most of the other films mentioned here, this one doesn’t have dialogues every two seconds, which is good if you’re looking for something less intense.

Il Suo Ultimo Desiderio / The Last Thing He Wanted

This is a crime / political thriller where an acclaimed reporter discovers that her father is behind an arms deal she’s investigating. Anne Hathaway and Ben Affleck star in it.

The title in Italian means His Last Desire. The literal translation of the original title would be L’Ultima Cosa Che Lui Voleva.

Mowgli: Il Figlio della Giungla / Mowgli: Legend of the Jungle

Not to be confused with the live action adaptation made by Disney, the Netflix version is a separate interpretation of the famous book and was directed by Andy Serkis, the man behind Gollum in Lord of the Rings. Watching a timeless adventure tale is another great way to concentrate on the language, because we all know the story!

Here as well the Italian title differs, using the word figlio (son) rather than legend (leggenda).

Are you looking for more recommendations on films and series to watch in Italian? Then check out the articles below!

The Best Movies to Watch in Italian on Netflix in 2020 - Daily Italian Words (2)

Italian Movies on Netflix to Watch in 2020

Movies made in Italy.

The Best Movies to Watch in Italian on Netflix in 2020 - Daily Italian Words (3)

Italian TV Series on Netflix to Watch in 2020

Series made in Italy.

The Best Movies to Watch in Italian on Netflix in 2020 - Daily Italian Words (4)

Best TV Series to Watch in Italian on Netflix in 2020

Series available in Italian.

The Best Movies to Watch in Italian on Netflix in 2020 - Daily Italian Words (5)

How to Get Italian Subtitles and Audio on Netflix

The Best Movies to Watch in Italian on Netflix in 2020 - Daily Italian Words (6)

Mathieu Gasquet

Mathieu Gasquet was born and raised in Turin in the north of Italy to an Italian mother and a French father. He provides the audio pronunciation for Daily Italian Words.

The Best Movies to Watch in Italian on Netflix in 2020 - Daily Italian Words (2025)


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